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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Solar energy optimization in solar

Jun 14, 2023

Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 11484 (2022) Cite this article

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This article was retracted on 09 May 2023

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In solar heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), communications are designed to create new 3D mathematical models that address the flow of rotating Sutterby hybrid nanofluids exposed to slippery and expandable seats. The heat transmission investigation included effects such as copper and graphene oxide nanoparticles, as well as thermal radiative fluxing. The activation energy effect was used to investigate mass transfer with fluid concentration. The boundary constraints utilized were Maxwell speed and Smoluchowksi temperature slippage. With the utilization of fitting changes, partial differential equations (PDEs) for impetus, energy, and concentricity can be decreased to ordinary differential equations (ODEs). To address dimensionless ODEs, MATLAB's Keller box numerical technique was employed. Graphene oxide Copper/engine oil (GO-Cu/EO) is taken into consideration to address the performance analysis of the current study. Physical attributes, for example, surface drag coefficient, heat move, and mass exchange are mathematically processed and shown as tables and figures when numerous diverse factors are varied. The temperature field is enhanced by an increase in the volume fraction of copper and graphene oxide nanoparticles, while the mass fraction field is enhanced by an increase in activation energy.

Researchers have concentrated on new energy measuring to meet the requirements and needs of companies in this period. Researchers are interested in developing a few devices with the highest rate of heating and cooling. These might save and maintain optimal energy efficiency. Furthermore, poor heat transmission and flowing base liquid conducting have an impact on the performance and operation of solar collectors. Many efforts have been made in this respect to improve the thermal characteristics of base liquids. Solar energy is the renewable energy source from the sun for industrial applications such as electricity generation1,2,3, heating4,5,6, cooling7,8,9, and desalination10,11,12. The benefits of solar energy technology are that this type of energy is limitless, clean, and has no fuel to burn. The most common types of solar energy are photovoltaic (PV) systems13,14,15, thin-film solar cells16,17,18, solar power plants19,20, and passive solar heating21,22. The Photovoltaic applications were reported in the field of telecommunications23, agriculture24, used with livestock/cattle25, street lighting26, and rural electrification27. The usage of thin-film solar cells was in rooftops at the institutional and commercial buildings28, solar farms29, power traffics30, and solar steam generation31. Passive solar heating is implemented in circulation spaces such as lobbies, hallways, and break rooms that allow occupants to avoid the sun.

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, whereas AC is defined as conditioning. AC is designed to cool the air and control humidity in the house and was invented by Willis Carrier in 190232. Besides, the primary purpose of HVAC system for residential33,34 and commercial buildings35,36 is to provide a heating mode in the winter and cooling mode in the summer. This system also filters smoke, odors, dust, airborne bacteria, carbon dioxide, and other harmful gases to improve air indoors37,38. In addition, HVAC system acts as a humidity controller of air indoors39,40. Meanwhile, the HVAC system powered by solar energy is known as solar-HVAC (S-HVAC), where it is installed by PV panels to capture the sunlight and convert it into electricity. John Hollick is one of S-HVAC innovators, and he patented the method and apparatus for cooling ventilation air for a building41. The solar PV panel is connected to the HVAC to convert the solar energy into electricity to power all the parts responsible for the heating or cooling mode in the HVAC. The benefits of the S-HVAC system, instead of traditional HVAC, are lower utility bills, preserve the environment, and ease of installation. HVAC systems have moving parts such as fans and vibrating coils that often break, whereas S-HVAC have fewer moving parts and these systems have fewer breakage risks.

Among the several renewable resources that may be put practically anywhere in the globe, solar power promises to be the major technology for the transition to a decarbonized energy supply. The efficacy of a photovoltaic (PV) system is directly proportional to the amount of solar energy available. Many governments see renewables and energy conservation measures as a viable method to reduce coal consumption. The primary solar devices that can convert sunlight into electricity are PV system and concentrated solar power (CSP). CSP concentrates sun radiation to increase the temperature of a working fluid, and this fluid drives a heat engine and electric generator. CSP generates alternating current (AC), which has a high distribution rate on the power network. Besides, PV collects sunlight through the photoelectric effect to generate electricity in the form of a direct electric current (DC). The DC generated by the PV system is then transformed to AC through the inverters to ensure that the electricity is distributed on the power network. CSP stores energy by using Thermal Energy Storage technologies (TES), and it is not subjected to weather restrictions: This means that CSP can be used at all times (cloudy day, overnight, low sunlight, etc.) to generate electricity. On the other hand, PV system only stores low thermal energy compared to CSP, since it only uses a battery instead of the storage technology like TES. Therefore, CSP has more qualities over PV by performing more noteworthy efficiencies, lower speculation costs, gives warm capacity limit, and a superior mixture activity ability with different energizes to satisfy baseload need around evening time42.

Parabolic trough solar collector (PTSC) is one type of CSP system that has been used proficiently in water heating43,44, air-conditioning45,46, and solar-aircraft47,48,49,50,51. PTSC consists of a reflector with a reflecting surface (parabolic-shaped mirror) and a receiver. The reflector collects the incident solar radiation and reflects it onto a receiver located in the focal line of the parabola. The working fluid inside the receiver absorbs the heat from the solar radiation, causing the fluid temperature to increase. Finally, high-pressure superheated steam is generated from this working fluid in a conventional reheat steam turbine-generator to produce electricity. The running fluid in PTSC should have those features: (a) excessive thermal potential and thermal conductivity, (b) low thermal growth and occasional viscosity, (c) strong charge of thermal and chemical properties, (d) minimal charge of corrosive interest and (e) low toxicity52. One of the simplest operating fluids in PTSC is innovated nanofluid referred to as hybrid nanofluid and is ready via way of means of submerging specific nanoparticles withinside the equal base fluid. Therefore, there are recent studies regarding the hybrid nanofluid as a working fluid in PTSC installed in solar aircraft47,48,49,50,51, and when PTSC is equipped with turbulators53,54,55,56,57,58. The following types of hybridizing nanofluid were implemented in the PTSC solar aircraft: Casson hybrid nanofluid47, Reiner Philippoff hybrid nanofluid48,49, and tangent hyperbolic hybrid nanofluid50,51. Meanwhile, A turbulator is a tool that transforms a laminar boundary layer right into a turbulent boundary layer to optimize heat transfer. Hence, various patterns of turbulators inserted in PTSC were reported, such as single twisted turbulator53, obstacles act as turbulator54, finned rod turbulator55, two twisted tape acts as turbulator56, inner helical axial fins as turbulator57, and conical turbulator58.

When it comes to thermodynamic rules, the second law of thermodynamics is far more dependable than the first law due to its limits of efficiency in heat transmission in industrial applications. This second law is applied to reduce the irreversibility of thermal constructions. Irreversibility is observed in a variety of thermofluidic apparatuses, including thermal solar, air separators, and reactors, and that competence loss is entirely inter-related with it. This generated irreversibility is determined by the rate of entropy production. The extinction of functional energy is measured by entropy generating. Any system's generated irreversibility creates continuous entropy, which eviscerates the functional energy required to execute the job. Such energy loss might be produced by heat transport by convective, conductive, and radiative fluxing. Furthermore, magnetic fields, buoyancy, and fluid friction all contribute to the generation of entropy. As a result, entropy generation minimization is required for diverse thermal equipment to acquire an optimal quantity of energy. The degree of entropy generating in crossbreed nanofluid is impacted by the expansion of twofold nanomaterials into the base liquid. The non-Newtonian cross breed nanofluid heavily influenced by entropy age have been examined, where this type of nanofluid contains the following double nanomaterials and base-fluid: Cu-Al2O3/H2O59,60,61,62,63,64,65, Cu-Al2O3/EG66, Cu-Ag/EG67,68, Cu-TiO2/H2O69,70, Cu-Ag/H2O71, Cu-Go/H2O72, Cu-Ti/H2O, CuO-TiO2/H2O and C71500-Ti6Al4V/H2O73, Cu-Fe3O4/EG74, Cu-CuO/blood75, Ag-MgO/H2O76, Ag-Gr/H2O77, CuO-TiO2/EG78, Fe3O4–Co/kerosene79, MWCNT-Fe3O4/H2O80, and MWCNT-MgO/H2O81. The thermal properties of hybrid nanofluid over an elastic curved surface59, stretching sheet61,63,70,74,78, disk64, stretching disk62, and wedge79 were reported. In addition, the flow of a hybrid nanofluid in a cavity was investigated under the following conditions: square cavity68, porous open cavity69, and vented complex shape cavity81. The investigation of a hybrid nanofluid flow through a channel66 and microchannel73,77 have been performed, where these channels are rotating66, placed vertically73, and recharging77. The flow of a hybrid nanofluid in an enclosure was studied by Alsabery et al.60, Ghalambaz et al.65, and Abu-Libdeh et al.76. Alsabery et al.60 implemented the wavy enclosure containing the inner solid blocks, whereas Ghalambaz et al.65 considered an enclosed cavity with vertical and horizontal parts in their fluid model. On the other hand, Abu-Libdeh et al.76 selected a porous enclosure with a trapezoid geometry where this type of geometry is used for cooling purposes on the hybrid nanofluid. Meanwhile, Xia et al.67 and Khan et al.72 developed the fluid flow model bounded by two rotating parallel frames. The heat analysis of the peristaltic flow of hybrid nanofluid internal a duct become studied through McCash et al.71. The electroosmotic pump is involved in the hybrid nanofluid flow studied by Munawar and Saleem75, with ohmic heating. Shah et al.80 chose a porous annulus to study the characteristics of a hybrid nanofluid model.

Non-Newtonian fluid models are much more different than those of Newtonianism fluids. The stress values for non-Newtonian fluid are nonlinear functions against strain, yield stress, or time-dependent viscosity. Examples of this type of fluid are Casson fluid82,83,84,85,86, Maxwell fluid87,88,89,90,91, nanofluid (also including hybrid case)47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81, etc. Sutterby fluid model is one type of non-Newtonianism fluid92, and it describes the viscosity of dilute polymer solutions93. Polymer solutions have been applied in related industrial phenomena or products, such as turbulent pipe flows94,95, stability of polymer jets96,97, and oil recovery enhancement98,99. The heat and mass transfer withinside the flow of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Sutterby nanofluid over a stretching cylinder, with the impact of temperature-structured thermal conductivity have been explored by Sohail et al.100 and Raza et al.101. The bioconvection of Sutterby fluid flow was reported when this fluid flows across the wedge102 and between two rotating disks103. Gowda et al.104, Yahya et al.105, and Khan et al.106 incorporated the Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model in their mathematical Sutterby fluid model to archive effective thermal properties. The Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model was developed when the fluid was bounded by a rotating disk104, flat surface105, and wedge106. The effect of entropy generation and activation energy were considered by Hayat et al.107. In contrast, El-Dabe et al.108 incorporated the boundaries of the attractive field, compound response, permeable media, heat radiation, gooey dissemination, and couple pressure. Parveen et al.109, Arif et al.110, Jayadevamurthy et al.111, Nawaz112, and Waqas et al.113 investigated the thermal performance of the Sutterby fluid model with the presence of various hybrid nanoparticles. The base fluid that has become selected was blood109,110, water111, and ethylene glycol112,113. These researchers109,110,111,112,113 implemented the dual nanoparticles in their Sutterby hybrid nanofluid, namely as: (i) Au and Al2O3109, (ii) CuO and Al2O3110, (iii) Cu and SiO2111, (iv) MoS2 and SiO2112, and (v) first fluid contained SiO2 and SWCNT, and second fluid used MoS2 and MWCNT113.

The goal of this study is to look at a Sutterby hybrid fluid traveling along a stretchy surface with copper and graphene oxide nanoparticles. The following are the main points of the current study:

The effect of ultrafine strong nanoparticles (copper and graphene oxide) at the Sutterby hybrid fluid has yet to be contemplated.

In the extant literature, no 3D kind of Sutterby nanofluid has been built and explored.

The results of Maxwell speed slippery and Smoluchowski heat slippery bounder situations on hybrid nanofluid impacting on an extensible floor are but to be investigated.

The following is a summary of the paper's structure.

The governing model was created on the premise of a boundary layer.

The controlling PDEs are converted into ODEs using appropriate similarity transformation.

The ODEs are adapted to 1st-ordered and resolved a usage of the Keller container numerical method included in MATLAB.

Physical portions along with the pores and drag force factor and Nusselt number are mathematically decided and demonstrated in tables.

Mathematical model's velocity, temperature, and awareness elements are numerically calculated and represented withinside the shape of figures.

The graphical model is presented in Fig. 1, and the characteristics of the proposed mathematical model are as below:

3D model (as in Fig. 2), where \(x\)- and \(y\)- axes contain planes, where \(z\)-axis fluid flow region is at the third axis \(z\ge 0\).

The fluid rotates along \(z\)-axis, showing that this axis acts as the axis of rotation for the rotating fluid. This fluid has an angular velocity \(\Omega\).

The involved fluid in this model is incompressible Sutterby fluid, flowing on an extendable surface. This surface is located at \(xy\)-plane.

The Maxwell velocity slip114 effect is investigated, by adding the component of stretching \({u}_{w}=dx\), together with the slip length \(\frac{2-{\sigma }_{v}}{{\sigma }_{v}}{\lambda }_{0}{U}_{z}\).

The Smoluchowski temperature slip115 is added, by implementing the term \(\frac{2-{\sigma }_{T}}{{\sigma }_{T}}\left(\frac{2r}{r+1}\right)\frac{{\lambda }_{0}}{{P}_{r}}{T}_{z}\).

Surface temperature and concentration are denoted by \({T}_{w}\) and \({C}_{w}\), respectively. Meanwhile, \({T}_{\infty }\) and \({C}_{\infty }\) represent the ambient temperature as well as concentration.

The graphical model of the current problem.

Schematic chat of KBM procedure.

The physical properties of Sutterby hybrid nanofluid are presented in Eq. (1). The dynamics viscosity, density, precise heat and thermal conductivity of hybrid nanofluid are indicated by \({\mu }_{hnf}\) \({\rho }_{hnf}\), \({\alpha }_{hnf}\), \((\rho {C}_{p}{)}_{hnf}\) and \({k}_{hnf}\), respectively.

A Cauchy tensor of tension for Sutterby liquid is presented as116

in which \(p\), \(I\) and S constitute pressure, identification tensor, and further strain tensor, respectively. Subsequently, S in Eq. (2) is given as

where in \({\mu }_{0}\) is 0 shear fee viscosity, and \(E\) is a material time constant. In Eq. (3), the second one invariant stress tensor \(\dot{\gamma }\) and primary order Rivilian-Erikson tensor \({A}_{1}\) were interpreted in Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively.

The \(m\) values determine the fluid categories, where Newtonian fluid when \(m=0\), pseudo-plastic (shear thinning) when \(m>0\), and dilatant (shear thickening) when \(m<0\). In addition, the velocity field of the fluid is taken as \(V=[u(x,y,z),v(x,y,z),w(x,y,z)]\).

Under the restriction as stated above, the modeled equations are premeditated by117:

Equations (6)–(10) are controlled by the following boundary conditions:

In Eq. (9), Rosseland approximation118 is added:

where in \({\sigma }^{*}\) and \({\kappa }^{*}\) stand for Stefan-Boltzmann consistent and imply absorption coefficient, respectively.

The appropriate transformations119 have been selected, as shown in (13):

The transformations (13) are implemented to dimensionless the early mathematical model (6)–(10), together with (12). As a result, the following forms have occurred:

After implementing (13) in (11), the dimensionless BCs are:

The final dimensionless governing parameters in (14)–(17) have been derived as

where \({B}_{1}\), \({B}_{2}\), \({B}_{3}\) and \({B}_{4}\) are constants120 as below:

Thermophysical properties of copper and graphene oxide nanoparticles120,121 have been tabulated in Table 1.

The skin friction coefficients in horizontal \(x\)- and vertical axes \(y\)- are shown in Eq. (21). From Eq. (21) also, \({\tau }_{xz}\) and \({\tau }_{yz}\)122 are expressed in Eq. (22).

Finally, surface drag coefficients are derived as:

The dimensional heat transfer coefficient122 is expressed in Eq. (24), where the heat flux \({q}_{w}\) is shown in Eq. (25).

From Eqs. (24), (25), the dimensionless Nusselt number is obtained:

The Sherwood number and the mass flux are given in Eqs. (27) and (28), respectively.

After manipulation of Eq. (28) into Eq. (27), The dimensionless shape of the mass transfer coefficient is

Keller box method (KBM)123 is selected as the current numerical technique to perform the solutions for the ODEs (14)–(17), together with BCs (18). The coding of KBM is built in MATLAB software, wherein the flow chart of KBM technique is depicted in Fig. 2. The present-day numerical method applies a finite distinction scheme, which is a collocation technique of order 4 and it runs in the back of KBM MATLAB. The above-mentioned nonlinear differential problem, i.e., Eqs. (14)–(17) followed by the end point condition supplied by Eq. (18) is solved using the Keller box approach.

Conversion of ODEs

The aforementioned equations are fairly turned into a new sophisticated first order coupled system:

Domain discretization & difference equations

Likewise, domain discretization in \(x-\beta\) plane is signified. In view of this web, net points are \({\beta }_{0}=0,{\beta }_{j}={\beta }_{j-1}+{h}_{j}, j=\mathrm{0,1},\mathrm{2,3}...,J,{\beta }_{J}=1\) where, \({h}_{j}\) is the step-size. Relating central difference formulation at midpoint \({\beta }_{j-1/2}\)

Newton method

Equations (29) through (37) are linearized using Newton's linearization technique

Block tridiagonal structure

The linear mathematical model now has the block tridiagonal shape, written


where the overall size of the block-triangle matrix A is J × J and the supervector's block size is 9 × 9. LU decomposition method implementation for solving Δ. A mesh size of h j = 0.01 is regarded adequate for mathematical assessment, and the difference between the current and previous iterations for the needed precision has been set at \(1{0}^{-6}\).

The comparative analysis of the numerical values skin friction coefficient values \(-{f}^{{{\prime}}{{\prime}}}(0)\), are tabulated in Table 2. The comparison is made with the previous researchers117,124, with the various values of rotating parameter \(\lambda\). However, other parameters have remained zero such as consistency parameter, Reynolds, Deborah numbers, and speed slippery (\(N={R}_{\eta }={D}_{\eta }={\Gamma }_{1}=\) 0). Besides, \({B}_{1}={B}_{2}\) is fixed to obtain this comparative analysis. From Table 2, it is clear that the accuracy of the current results is quite high. Therefore, the current numerical scheme KBS is quite reliable, authentic, and acceptable for subsequent calculations.

This segment shows and discusses the impact of diverse parameters at the floor frictional factor, Nusselt value, speed, energy, and concentricity outlines with the use of tables and figures. In the case of separated boundaries, Table 3 is intended to mirror the effect of wall frictional factors \(C{f}_{x}\) and \(C{f}_{y}\) consistent with the table, changes inside the power-regulation conduct list \(N\), Reynolds number \({R}_{\eta }\), Deborah \({D}_{\eta }\), pivot boundary and speed slippage cause a decline inside the surface coefficient of drag along the \(x-\) orientation, however an expansion when the speed slippage boundary \({\delta }_{1}\) is gotten to the next level. This is physically since both the Reynolds number \({R}_{\eta }=\frac{d{x}^{2}}{\nu }\) and the Deborah number \({D}_{\eta }=\frac{{a}^{2}{d}^{2}}{\nu }\) depend on the viscosity of the nanofluid and follows the frictional force is diminished. \(C{f}_{y}\) ascends because of expansions in \(N\), and \({\Gamma }_{1}\) but falls in light of an increment in its values. This is because increasing the rapidity slippage \({\Gamma }_{1}=\frac{2-{\sigma }_{v}}{{\sigma }_{v}}{\lambda }_{0}\sqrt{\frac{d}{v}}\) increases the reaction rate, and this effect occurs. Table 4 is expected to examine hotness and mass exchange rates for dimensionless various variables. It is found that when the radiation boundary \({R}_{\delta }\) and Prandtl number \({P}_{r}\) are changed, Nusselt number improves, however, devalues as the temperature slips \({\Gamma }_{2}\). This is because the presence of heat radiation boosts the stored thermal energy and then begins to release it through the nanofluid molecules, which improves the rate of mutual rate of heat transfer, which in turn grows the number of Nusselt. The mass exchange rate increments when \({R}_{\delta }\), substance response rate, Schmidt number \(Sc\), temperature contrast boundary, and fixed value steady \(n\) increment, yet reduces as \({P}_{r}\), heat slippery \({\Gamma }_{2}\), and enactment energy \(E\) decline.

The impact of \({R}_{\eta }\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}(\eta )\) is portrayed in Fig. 3. \({R}_{\eta }\) decides if the conduct is laminar or tempestuous at the actual level. The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial power to gooey power. It is worth noting that the higher the Reynolds number, the greater the inertial power over the gooey power, the thicker the consistency, and the smaller the motion field. Indeed, increasing the volume fraction of nanoparticles reduces liquid fixation, diminishes liquid thickness, and boosts idleness. Finally, a significant component in the lowering of the rapidity field. Figure 4 shows the impact of \({D}_{\eta }\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}(\beta )\). Physically, smaller Deborah values make the material to operate more freely, resulting in a flow of Newtonian viscidity. With increasing Deborah quantities, the effectual enters the non-Newtonianism zone, with increased elasticity ratings and solid-like behavior. The bigger the Deborah quantity, the stronger the viscidness effect. Deborah values distinguish amongst liquid solids and fluid properties on a physical level. As \({D}_{\eta }\) increases, the fluid changes from a fluid to a solid. The substance behaves like a liquid for lesser \({D}_{\eta }\) and such as a solid for greater \({D}_{\eta }\). As \({D}_{\eta }\) increases, fluid behaviour such as shear thickening becomes more difficult to flow through the surface, lowering \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\). The behavior of the power law exponent \(M\) at \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\) (Fig. 5). When shear force is applied, \(N\) affects the viscidity of the nanofluid. The letters \(N\) stand for fluid shear thinning and Newtonianism. Positive variations in \(N\) boost viscidness (shearing thicker) and decrease the velocity of fluid flowing through a ductile surface, thus use caution. Physically, shearing thicker occurs as a result of a larger volume fraction of nanomolecules, a rise in fluid viscosity, and a reduction in fluid rapidity \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\). The relationship between rotational parameter and \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\) is shown in Fig. 6. The fractional size of gold nanomolecules is magnified, which reduces \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\) and the thickness of the momentum boundary layer. An alteration in \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\), acts like shear thickening. When the torque increases, this cause to incremental changes in the viscosity of the fluid to develop, the nanofluid rapidity decreases. The effect of \({R}_{\eta }\) on \(g\left(\beta \right)\) is depicted in Fig. 7. In opposite of the viscidness influence, \({R}_{\eta }\) emphasizes the relevance of the inertia effect. The consistency of the liquid is decreased, and the liquid speed \(g\left(\beta \right)\) is diminished when \({R}_{\eta }\) is expanded. The motivation behind Fig. 8 is to stress the feature of \({D}_{\eta }\) on \(g(\beta )\). Higher thick powers that lull the liquid speed led to an expansion in \({D}_{\eta }\). The liquid behaves exactly like shearing dilatation due to a consistent change in \({D}_{\eta }\). It's intriguing to see how increasing the quantity of nanomolecules influences liquid thickness while lowering it. Physically, boosting the amount of nanostructure particles enhances liquid consistency, lowering liquid speed and \(g(\beta )\). Figure 9 shows the impact of \({\Gamma }_{1}\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\). An amplification of \({\Gamma }_{1}\) lessens the worth of \({f}^{{\prime}}\left(\beta \right)\). In the status of slippery limit restrictions, the speed of the plate and the liquid are not equivalent at the plate, bringing about a decrease in liquid speed and a diminishing speed. Figure 10 shows a portrayal of \(g(\beta )\). This is physically because the liquid near the boundary layer is more viscous due to the accumulation of particles close to the surface, which reduces the velocity and increases the further away from the boundary layer. Another important concept is that as the percentage of nanoparticles in the base liquid grows, the thickness of the liquid reduces, making it simpler to travel across an extensible plate. Magnification in the volume part of nanomolecules builds a liquid and diminishes the liquid speed and \(g(\beta )\).

Influence of \({R}_{\eta }\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}\).

Impact of \({D}_{\eta }\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}\).

Impact of \(N\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}\).

Effect of \(\lambda\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}\).

Impact of \({R}_{\eta }\) on \(g\).

Effect of \({D}_{\eta }\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}\).

Effect of \({\Gamma }_{1}\) on \({f}^{{\prime}}\).

Impact of \(\lambda\) on \(g\).

Figure 11 is intended to depict \({R}_{\delta }\) performing on \(\theta (\beta )\). \({R}_{\delta }\) is the most thing of a heat transfer rules in terms of physics. It is commonly known that amplification in \({R}_{\delta }\) causes the heat transfer rate to increase. It is because of an improvement in \({R}_{\delta }\) lowers the average absorbing factor, resulting in amplification in \(\theta (\beta )\). Practically, an increase in the size of the nanomolecules paired with \({R}_{\delta }\) enhances the thermal conducting of the fluid, boosting \(\theta (\beta )\). The effect of \({P}_{r}\) on \(\theta (\beta )\) is depicted in Fig. 12. When \({P}_{r}\) is small, heat diffuses quickly in comparison to velocity (momentum), and vice versa when \({P}_{r}\) is large. Furthermore, because of amplification in \({P}_{r}\), the thickness of the thermal boundary layer declines \(\theta (\beta )\). This is physically due to the inverse relationship between the Prandtl number and the thermal diffusivity, as the lack of thermal diffusivity occurs as a result of the low thermal conducting and thus enhances the Prandtl number, which works to increase the temperature inside the nanoliquid. The link between \({\Gamma }_{1}\) and temperature is seen in Fig. 13. A magnification of \({\Gamma }_{1}\) reduces the space among the surface and surrounding heat, transporting less temperature from a plate to a liquid and, due to the lowering a fluid heat.

Influence of \({R}_{\eta }\) on \(\theta\).

Influence of \({P}_{r}\) on \(\theta\).

Impact of \({\Gamma }_{2}\) on \(\theta\).

Figure 14 emphasizes the effect of chemically response charge \(\sigma\) at the awareness area \(\phi (\beta )\). The physical interpretation refers to the amount \(\sigma (1+\delta \theta {)}^{n}exp\left(\frac{-E}{1+\delta \theta }\right)\) magnifies at the likewise of improvement in \(\sigma\) or \(n\) which inspires the destructive chemically reactive action which diminishes the mass size range. The exponential part in the formula means that when the active energy diminishes, the rate constant of a reaction grows exponentially. Because the rate of a reaction is directly proportionate to its rate constant, the rate also grows exponentially125. The impact of \({S}_{\delta }\) at the mass area \(\phi (\beta )\) is defined in Fig. 15. The Schmidt quantity is the ratio of momentum to mass diffusivity. It's well worth noting that a high-quality alternate in \({S}_{\delta }\) reduces mass diffusivity. Physically, the fluid viscidness falls because of a growth in \({S}_{\delta }=\frac{\nu }{D}\), which reduces mass diffusion and will increase momentum diffusivity. The presence of \({S}_{\delta }\) maximum possibly reduces the fluid viscidness and \(\phi (\beta )\).

Effect of \(\sigma\) on \(\phi\).

Effect of \({S}_{\delta }\) on \(\phi\).

3-D rotating Sutterby hybrid fluid with copper-Graphene oxide nanomolecules, active energy, impetus, heat slippery bounder constraints, and radiative heat flow is defined in this paper. The numerical solution to the simulated problem was achieved using the MATLAB KBM built-in technique. The following are some of the most important aspects of the results:

The profile \({f}^{{\prime}}(\eta )\) denigrates at the behalf of extension in \({R}_{\eta }\), \({D}_{\eta }\), and \(N\).

Magnification withinside the factors \(\lambda\) and \(N\) monitors to an extension in \(g(\beta )\).

Intensification in \({\theta }_{w}\) boosts \(\theta \left(\beta \right)\) however a decline in \(\theta \left(\beta \right)\) occurs due to an enhancement in \({R}_{\delta }\).

The value of the Nusselt wide variety decreases below amplification in \({\Gamma }_{1}.\)

It is essential that \(\phi \left(\beta \right)\) will increase withinside the case of extension in \(\xi .\)

A positive variant in \({\Gamma }_{2}\) will increase \(\phi \left(\beta \right).\)

The mass fractional size discipline outline reduces for the chemically response factor \(\Gamma .\)

The Keller-box method could be applied to a variety of physical and technical challenges in the future126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139.

The results of this study are available only within the paper to support the data.

This article has been retracted. Please see the Retraction Notice for more detail:

Ambient temperature (K)

Reynold's number

Angular velocity

Ambient concentration (\(\frac{\text{mol}}{{\text{m}}^{3}}\))

Second invariant strain tensor

Consistency index

Thermal radiation

Stretching velocity along \(x\)-axis (\(\frac{{\text{m}}}{{\text{s}}}\))

Prandtl number

Reaction rate constant (\(\frac{\text{mol}}{\text{lit-s}}\))

Velocity accommodation coefficient

Temperature slip (K)

Fitted rate constant

Temperature at the wall (K)

Zero shear fee viscosity

Deborah number

Rotation parameter

Material time constant


Extra stress tensor

Power-law behavior index

Velocity slip (\(\frac{{\text{m}}}{{\text{s}}}\))

Radiative heat flux ( \(\frac{\text{W}}{{\text{m}}^{2}}\))

Activation energy (\(\frac{{\text{J}}}{{{\text{mol}}}}\))

Temperature accommodation coefficient

Schmidt number

Rivilian-Erikson tensor

Concentration at the wall (\(\frac{\text{mol}}{{\text{m}}^{3}}\))

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Department of Mathematics, Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan

Wasim Jamshed

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, New Valley University, Al-Kharga, Al-Wadi Al-Gadid, 72511, Egypt

Mohamed R. Eid

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Northern Border University, Arar, 1321, Saudi Arabia

Mohamed R. Eid

Department of Mathematics, Lahore College Women University, Lahore, Pakistan

Rabia Safdar

Aerospace Engineering Department, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia

Amjad Ali Pasha

Centre of Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Seri Kembangan, Malaysia

Siti Suzilliana Putri Mohamed Isa

Mechanical Engineering Program, Physical Science and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Adil

KAUST Clean Combustion Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Adil

Department of Mathematics, Air University, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan

Zulfiqar Rehman

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002, Thailand

Wajaree Weera

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W.J. formulated the problem. W.J. and M.R.E. solved the problem. W.J., M.R.E., R.S., A.A.P., M.A., Z.R., S.S.P.M.I., and W.W. computed and scrutinized the results. All the authors equally contributed in writing and proof reading of the paper. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

Correspondence to Wajaree Weera.

The authors declare no competing interests.

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Jamshed, W., Eid, M.R., Safdar, R. et al. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Solar energy optimization in solar-HVAC using Sutterby hybrid nanofluid with Smoluchowski temperature conditions: a solar thermal application. Sci Rep 12, 11484 (2022).

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Received: 21 March 2022

Accepted: 28 June 2022

Published: 07 July 2022


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